Image-Broschüre pbp
prasch buken partner architekten bda
A team of over 40 architects and employees confronts daily challenges involved in every stage of the construction process, from design and approval planning to execution. We believe the results speak for themselves.

Hotelbau-Broschüre pbp
prasch buken partner architekten bda
A team comprising more than 40 architects and employees tackles daily challenges associated with construction, ranging from design and approval planning to execution. This brochure showcases the office’s exceptional hotel construction projects.

Praxisorientierte Einführung in kosteneffizientes
Reinhold Johrendt, Frank Buken
Cost-efficient development and planning of neighborhoods and multi-story residential buildings are gaining increasing importance in light of the growing scarcity of urban land and rising property and construction costs. In their specialized contributions, the authors explain step by step the key „levers“ for resource and cost-efficient development and planning of urban neighborhoods and housing. Practical examples vividly demonstrate that interdisciplinary collaboration among all parties involved in construction is a key to successful project implementation. This book is aimed at students and architects who wish to deepen their knowledge of resource-efficient, energy-efficient, and economically viable design practices from the initial idea to the construction permit.

Mein Leben als Architekt – 1960 bis 2020
Alf M. Prasch
In his autobiography, Alf M. Prasch outlines his life journey from being a refugee child to his years as a student in the then-divided Berlin, all the way to becoming a renowned architect. Using vivid language, he narrates the process of architectural creation as he experienced and was moved by it throughout his extensive portfolio of over 300 projects. His architectural tasks range from the Sheraton Hotel in Abu Dhabi, the World Trade Center in Dresden, the Bleichenhof and Spitalerhof in downtown Hamburg, the BallinStadt Emigration Museum on Veddel Island, to residential and office construction in the HafenCity district, and the construction of the future Airbus service center in Hamburg-Finkenwerder.